
Wednesday 9 March 2011

Have to start somewhere!

Hello, been meaning to start bloging as a way of reflecting on my teaching practice for awhile now.  So decided today just to give it ago.  Have a class blog and have helped other set them up but never got myself one. 

As a teacher we need to reflect al the time and most of us do, well if your good at the job and want to stay that way, you do.  But like lots of teachers I know do we record this and heaven above actually share it. I have for awhile recorded my reflections and every now and then shared them but not really. 

We talk to our students about reflection and share them in class, as we know that we can learn from sharing them but don't do it ourselves. 

My first question is why are we so scared of not being the best that we hide from the best learning?

I know that I have done this in the past, but never known why.  If you stay in this job you will realse it changes and we need to.

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